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Showing posts from April, 2021

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Global Climate Change

Climate change is the change in average patterns of natural events or phenomena such as temperature and rainfall over time in a region or around the world. Changes may occur naturally as well as occur due to human activities posing threats to nature. How Climate Change Occur / Causes of Climate Change There has been a drastic increase in climate change since the industrial revolution around the globe. Greenhouse gases are the primary cause behind these climatic changes. These gases trap and hold light energy reaching the earth’s surface from the sun, and radiate it in the form of infrared heat. Eventually, this process causes an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere of our globe. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (N2O), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are major greenhouse gas contributors.  Carbon DiOxide (CO 2 ) .  CO2 is generated due to natural processes (i.e. volcanic eruptions) as well as through human activities (deforestation and burning...

Origin of Elliptical Orbits (Kepler's 1st Law)

In 1609, Astronomer Johannes Kepler published Astronomia Nova, a book containing 10 years of work to understand the orbit of Mars planet using his revolutionary observations from his mentor and employer Tycho Brahe who was famous for generating huge quantity of high quality data and he needed to find the best explanations for the motion of Mars.  There were three models of planetary motions at that time but not a single of them worked well. First one was the Ptolemy System (presented bt Claudius Ptolemy) that puts the Earth at the center and all the other planets of our solar system and the Sun orbiting around the Earth in perfect circular paths so the Ptolemy system was an earth-centric system which suggested that the seemingly improper paths of the Sun, Moon, and planets were actually a combination of some proper circular motions seen in perspective from a stationary Earth. The second model was the Copernicus 's heliocentric model . According to this model, Earth was placed amo...