Climate change is the change in average patterns of natural events or phenomena such as temperature and rainfall over time in a region or around the world. Changes may occur naturally as well as occur due to human activities posing threats to nature. How Climate Change Occur / Causes of Climate Change There has been a drastic increase in climate change since the industrial revolution around the globe. Greenhouse gases are the primary cause behind these climatic changes. These gases trap and hold light energy reaching the earth’s surface from the sun, and radiate it in the form of infrared heat. Eventually, this process causes an increase in the average temperature of the atmosphere of our globe. Carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4), nitrogen oxide (N2O), and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are major greenhouse gas contributors. Carbon DiOxide (CO 2 ) . CO2 is generated due to natural processes (i.e. volcanic eruptions) as well as through human activities (deforestation and burning...
The basic rule behind rocket science is Newton’s third law of motion: "For every action, there is an equal and opposite (in direction) reaction" which he discovered around 300 years ago. You can imagine how basic rocket science is. But that’s not it. There’s much more. We’ll see the basics and fundamentals behind rocket science. In this article, I’ll be giving answers to som e common questions that people usually ask or look for. What is Rocket Science? Rocket science in Physics is based on taking machines into space in order to achieve specific goals. Most commonly, nowadays, satellites are launched into space. But how do these satellites reach there? It involves rocket science to take these machines into space. How Rocket Science Works? Firstly, we’ll know what a rocket is made up of. A rocket is usually made up of a payload, a guidance system and a propulsion system. Payload . A payload is part of a rocket that carries a sa...